The Traveler Guide to Riding Waves; Part 3.1 Surfing Pacifica, CA

The Traveler Guide to Riding Waves; Part 3.1 Surfing Pacifica, CA

Shredding the Mar

Linda Mar, our local surf break in front of Traveler Pacifica, is as versatile as it is eclectic.

It brings together everyone from the local surf community, to out-of towners looking to catch their very first waves. All are welcome, but you’re more likely to have a great time if you know a bit about this beach’s ins and outs.

Where to surf:

Linda Mar is made up of 4 or so different breaks...depending on who you ask. Here’s a basic rundown from south to north, and what to expect.

  • South End/ Pedro Point: This left-hand point break is directly in front of the houses at the south most tip of the beach. When it’s breaking, this tends to be where locals like to surf. With its sharp stone bottom and the veteran ability level of local surfers, we recommend this break only for advanced surfers with full board control and a good understanding of surf etiquette.


  • The River Mouth: Named for the area in between the river mouth at and the Taco Bell. If you are a beginning surfer, this is your train to fun town. The waves tend to be most gentle and forgiving in this area, and because lessons are frequently taught here, the vibes are very accommodating for those who are learning. Bonus fun fact: the rivermouth of San Pedro Creek is home to spawning Steelhead Trout. They’re a federally listed threatened species right here in our own backyard!
  • Taco Bell: There’s nothing quite like surfing within a stone’s throw of a Cheesy Gordita Crunch Taco combo. It’s an experience unique to Linda Mar. Between Taco Bell and the bathrooms (also known as “Pumphouse”), you’ll find beachbreak created by a series of sand bars. Swells and storms reshape these sandbars often, so conditions will vary. Depending on those conditions, you’ll see surfers of mixed ability levels.

  • The North End: This part of the beach is more exposed to swells, so the waves tend to be bigger and more powerful than other areas of the beach. It is also prone to rip currents, deep holes that make it hard to stand if needed, and sunken sailboats. Here you’ll find the shortboard scene and more advanced surfers.


Ready to Get Wet?  Book a lesson with us HERE

Want all this knowledge in one place? Snap up a copy of our handy Beginners Surf Guide Book!